We will be meeting at the Princes’ Gates at 6:30. If you are late you will see us looping. Here’s the segment: https://www.strava.com/segments/2463948
12 laps (~30km):
1x Warm up 5/10 PE (55%-75% FTP)
2 sets:
– 2x Tempo 7/10 PE (76%-87% FTP)
– 2x Threshold 8/10 PE (95%-105% FTP)
– 1x Active Recovery 5/10 PE (<55% FTP)
1x Cool down 5/10 PE (<55% FTP)
PE = Perceived effort (out of 10)
FTP = Finite Threshold Potential (FTP), a way to quantify your cycling fitness to structure your workouts and track your progress over time. Basically it’s the maximum power you could theoretically hold for 1 hour: https://www.trainerroad.com/blog/what-ftp-really-means-to-cyclists
If you want to assess your FTP and you don’t have a power meter, message me and we can estimate it.