Here is the workout:
10mins easy spin
30sec seated, 85-90rpm, 6/10 effort
1min seated Right leg, 80-90rpm, 6/10 effort
30sec seated both legs, 85-90rpm, 6/10 effort
1min seated Left leg, 80-90rpm, 6/10 effort
3min seated, choice rpm, 3/10 effort
4min, 80-85rpm, 8/10 effort
3min, 85-90rpm, 8.5/10 effort
4min, 95-100rpm, 9/10 effort
3min, 80-85rpm, 8/10 effort
2min, choice rpm, 3/10 effort
30sec seated,100-105rpm, 4/10 effort
1:30min choice, choice rpm, choice effort
Here is the workout:
10mins easy spin
30sec seated, 85-90rpm, 6/10 effort
1min seated Right leg, 80-90rpm, 6/10 effort
30sec seated both legs, 85-90rpm, 6/10 effort
1min seated Left leg, 80-90rpm, 6/10 effort
3min seated, choice rpm, 3/10 effort
2min, 80-85rpm, 8/10 effort
2min, 85-90rpm, 8.5/10 effort
2min, 95-100rpm, 9/10 effort
2min, 80-85rpm, 8/10 effort
2min, choice rpm, 3/10 effort
30sec seated,100-105rpm, 4/10 effort
1:30min choice, choice rpm, choice effort
Here is the workout:
10mins easy spin
1min seated, 80-85rpm, 5/10 effort
1min standing, 60-70rpm, 7/10 effort
1min seated, 90-95rpm, 6/10 effort
45sec seated Left leg, 80-85rmp, easy
30sec seated both legs, 80-85rpm, easy
45sec seated Right leg, 80-85rpm, easy
2min seated, choice rmp and effort
4min seated, 50-60rpm, 8/10 effect
2min standing, 60-70rpm, 9/10 effort
4min seated, 50-60rpm, 8/10 effect
1min seated, 100-105rpm, 9/10 effort
3min seated, choice rpm, choice effort
30sec seated,100-105rpm, 5/10 effort
1:30min choice, choice rpm, choice effort
Here is the workout:
10mins easy spin
1min seated, 80-85rpm, 5/10 effort
1min standing, 60-70rpm, 7/10 effort
1min seated, 90-95rpm, 6/10 effort
45sec seated Left leg, 80-85rmp, easy
30sec seated both legs, 80-85rpm, easy
45sec seated Right leg, 80-85rpm, easy
2min seated, choice rmp and effort
4min seated, 50-60rpm, 8/10 effect
2min seated, 90-95rpm, 2/10 effort
4min seated, 50-60rpm, 8/10 effect
2min seated, 100-105rmp, 9/10 effort
3min seated, choice rpm, choice effort
30sec seated,100-105rpm, 5/10 effort
1:30min choice, choice rpm, choice effort
I’ll be leading the indoor spin 7am-8am court 4 of Field House
There are 8 regular bikes and 2 white bikes
So one person will need to take a white bike
(I’ll take a white bike, and if we get a tenth, then I will just lead without biking)
3. Deniz
11 is for club members
Marina – I’m in
Marina 🙂
1 – Marina either option
I’ll be joining!
I’ll be there
1 – Mimi